Tina Waldrom chats with John Sikkema, who gives some Business Food 4 Thought about reaching business friends for Jesus. John is a well-known, faith filled, business entrepreneur. He is the Executive Chairman of Halftime Australia, and serves notably as the non-executive Board Chairman of Prime Value. Prime Value, together with associated company, Shakespeare Property Group, manages more than $1.5 billion in Australian equities, cash like instruments, commercial property and agricultural assets.
Sharing his faith through business, has not always been John’s number one priority. Through a series of events, and one particular, that equation changed for John. One particular question from the Holy Spirit, sent John on a road to discovering how he could effectively reach his non-Christian, business world for Christ.
John is passionate about encouraging business people to go beyond the usual methods of ‘supporting’ the gospel, to becoming personally involved in sharing the good news. Having felt the real struggle to share his faith and finding a way that works, he is now encouraging people to consider, Food 4 Thought, a tool he has developed.
In this podcast episode, you will discover…
- How John Sikkema got into business, his remarkable story.
- The place of Christianity in John’s personal and business worlds.
- John’s encounter with the Holy Spirit regards the great commission.
- Why ‘supporting the gospel’ as a business person is not enough.
- How you can effectively reach people for Christ as a business person.
- Boardroom stories of sharing faith.
- Ideas for the everyday Christian business person to share their faith.
- How the, Food 4 Thought, tool can help people share their faith.
- And so much more…
- WATCH an interview with Sky Business News with John Sikkema
Watch a quick video from part of this episode
Further Resources:
*Online Evangelism Course
To upskill in the area of having faith conversations with people in everyday spaces, check out the online course, On Mission with God @Home – How to Share your Faith Naturally in Conversations.
*Other Podcast Episodes Linked to this Episode
Sharing Your Faith at Work
Reaching out with Prayers of healing for Non-Believers
Covid 19 Evangelism at Centrelink and Beyond
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