#2 Trafficking & Interior Styling – We Never Saw This Coming

Tina Waldrom speaks with Rachel Dunwell. This is the follow up episode to episode one. Rachel works for Destiny Rescue who rescue girls from the horrible world of human trafficking. Evangelism in Australia are raising money in a very creative way to fund an entire RAID. Rachel talks openly about what a RAID entails and the Christian perspective on trafficking. Trafficking & Interior Styling – We Never Saw This Coming.

The intention of this podcast episode is to give people a behind the scenes understanding of what a RAID is and the processes involved for Destiny Rescue to carry out a raid. Rescuing girls from trafficking is a well-planned operation so that young girls can have a chance of freedom, rehabilitation and the hope of a better future.

In this podcast episode, you will discover…
  • Insights to the world of trafficking from an insider.
  • How Jesus views trafficking and how to respond to this.
  • Why this social justice issue should unite the church?
  • The various processes involved to rescue girls from trafficking.
  • Ideas on how to be involved from small to larger ways.
  • The power of prayer to unlock an idea to rescue girls.
  • How a small thought could lead you to making a difference in sex trafficking.
  • That you have the capacity to do something in this area.
At the end of this episode you will hear how EIA are putting on a fantastic online Christmas styling event with Musical Design Interiors in Melbourne. At this online event, Melanie Field from Musical Design will walk people through how to create the perfect Christmas Tree, Christmas Dining Table and Christmas Console for this upcoming season. It will be a fun online night out!

The event will be open to those who give either $50 or $100 to Destiny Rescue. It takes $10,000 to fund a RAID in an undisclosed project nation with DR. Many girls are rescued at once, they are cared for and given the education they need to step into a new life of freedom. The brothel is closed down and people are prosecuted for the wrong doings toward these innocent girls.

$10,000 is achievable. It is simply 100 people giving $100 or 200 people giving $50 or a mix of both.

***If you would like to help us raise $10,000 to fund a RAID and rescue many girls, you need to:

email  rachel.dunwell@destinyrescue.org and Rachel will give you instructions to give.

You will then receive an email from Evangelism In Australia with a link to the ‘Christmas Styling Online Events’. Choose the time slot that best works for you. The dates are Thursday 1st and Friday 2nd October, 7pm. If you cannot attend on one of these nights, why not give and send someone along in your place. They will love this online event and you would have helped fund the RAID.

EIA will be updating the progress of the giving via email and social media. The results of the RAID will also be publicized after the RAID takes place.

Please subscribe to the mailing list.

Thankyou in advance for the many girls that will be rescued by this $10,000 RAID.

Here is episode 1 when we spoke with Rachel Dunwell from Destiny Rescue.

Subscribe to all things evangelism and outreach here.

Check us out at www.EvangelismInAustralia.com and follow us on socials.


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