This is extraordinary listening! Be a part of the 36 million Christians who have already taken part in Global Outreach Day.
In the last eight years 15.1 million people have given their life to Christ….that’s the stories that are known. Actual lives changed will only be known in heaven. You have an opportunity this May to be a part of the 2020 Global Outreach Day where the vision is to see 100 million Christians reaching 1 billion people for Christ.
Werner Nachtigal from Germany is the International President of Global Outreach Day and Go2020. Dave Gibson is the key representative from the United States. In this episode Tina Waldrom speaks to both of these guys to hear the incredible stories and vision of this movement. We asked Werner being a German if he is the brother off Reinhardt Bonnke? His response is one to never forget! The stories of what Jesus has done through Global Outreach Day are extraordinary! May 2020 continues the story and Australia will be a part. Hear how the lives of both Billy Graham and Reinhardt Bonnke have encouraged this movement.
In this podcast episode, you will discover…
- How the vision for Global Outreach Day came about
- Why you should pray for BOB each day…what?
- Practical ideas to share your faith with the world around you
- How to receive free training for outreach
- Websites that can help you in your personal evangelism
- Ideas to keep your church outward focused.
- How to get involved with Go2020 in Australia.
- Interesting insights to Billy Graham and Reinhardt Bonnke.
Werner talks about the importance of ‘conversation skills’ when it comes to outreach. Read our recent blog ‘Why I’m on the Back-Foot with Conversations’ for some insightful actionable tips.
Here’s a free download to a tool called The Conversation Stack to help you with conversations.
Further to this podcast, enjoy our article regards the assumptions that pastors can make about outreach and Coronavirus.
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