Mid-Year Highlights #2 How Your Pain Can Shine His Light or Not?

It’s mid-2024, and we’re highlighting the two most popular episodes so far. How Your Pain Can Shine His Light or Not is the second most popular episode this year. In this conversation, Liesl Field, author and songwriter, delves into her personal journey of tragedy and loss, while discussing the concept of sharing Jesus when others are journeying through pain. Christians, in their efforts to support those experiencing pain, often have good intentions but sometimes unintentionally say or do things that are not helpful. How Your Pain Can Shine His Light or Not? gives key information to help believers share their faith.

The conversation explores the importance of empathy and being present for others in their pain, rather than offering trite answers or trying to fix their problems. Liesl emphasizes the power of listening and sitting with someone in their grief, allowing them to express their emotions without judgment. The conversation also highlights the need for self-awareness and honesty when ministering to others, and the impact of sharing one’s own story of pain and healing. The episode concludes with a recommendation to read Liesl’s book, ‘Silver Lining,’ which offers further insights and encouragement for those going through difficult times.

In this podcast episode, you will discover:
  • Liesl’s painful story and what people did that was unhelpful.
  • How to be present for others in pain.
  • What empathy and a listening ear looks like.
  • Ways to share your own story of pain so it connects with others.
  • How to practice self-awareness and honesty while reaching others.
  • And more…
SHORT VIDEO – Helping Friends in Pain with Liesl Field




Liesl Field – Facebook
Liesl Field –

Liesl’s Book: Silver Lining: The Story of Summer, Snow and Sky –
Buy from Amazon Australia
Amazon USA
Buy from Angus & Roberston



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How to Go & Heal Your Neighbourhood with Phil Smith
Stewart Bogle’s Resilient Souls: Sharing Christ’s Hope
Transforming Lives Through the Power of Conversations
Biblical Justice Vs Social Justice: Understanding the Superior Lens for Fairness & Compassion
How to Reach this Neo-Pagan World with Bill Hodgson



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