#1 New Shifts Needed in Global Church Mission with Nataliya Osipova

Tina Waldrom speaks with the National Director of Missions Interlink, Nataliya Osipova. Right before COVID-19 hit in Australia, Nataliya felt the Lord speak to her about ‘new things’. New shifts needed in global church mission. She had no idea that a pandemic was about to hit. She did however have an idea that new shifts were on the horizon for global church missions. These shifts are valuable lessons for all Christian believers in sharing the gospel.

In this episode Nataliya discusses ONE of the shifts that has become evident through the pandemic. This shift is in the area of technology. She contends that the changes enforced upon the church through the pandemic are here to stay. New mindsets and methodologies have been established. These new things will compel the church forward in effectiveness to take the gospel to the nations.

In this podcast episode, you will discover…
  • Nataliya’s story and pathway to serving God in global church missions.
  • New ingredients needed to lead mission in the COVID and post-COVID world.
  • How technology can serve the church to reach the nations.
  • The power of young people and technology in this new world.
  • How missions can look different with the aid of technology.
  • Stories from Australia and what people are doing differently.
  • The power of new mindsets to share the gospel globally.
  • And so much more…

At the end of this episode, Tina Waldrom talks about the new things that Evangelism In Australia have been working on. Two new courses to help believers share their faith naturally in conversations.

*One of those courses, On Mission with God @Home Mini is being offered for FREE over 3 days in October.
Here is the link to sign up for that.


Listen to our podcast about reaching the people on Kangaroo Island, a great Aussie story.

Check us out at www.EvangelismInAustralia.com and follow us on socials.


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