Having an Answer for The Bigger Questions with Rob Martin

Tina Waldrom speaks with Rob Martin about Having an Answer for The Bigger Questions. Rob, from City Bible Forum has his own podcast show called, Bigger Questions. Rob has interviewed over two hundred guests and is answering the bigger questions that Australians have about life and faith. Rob is an expert at understanding the objections that Aussies may have to faith and exploring the answers. In this interview, Tina queries Rob on three of his episodes that have particular relevance to the pandemic world we now live in. Rob shares some wonderful insights as to how everyday believers can share their faith more effectively.

The pandemic world that we now live in, has raised a number of matters for people. This season in life has unearthed many questions that neighbours, friends and work colleagues may be grappling with. In recent times, Rob recorded three episodes that are discussed in this show with Tina Waldrom. They are: Where can we find hope in a Coronavirus world?, Can God be there amidst the pain? And How can we thrive in anxious times? Tina explores the answers to these questions and how they can help Christian believers be more effective in their personal witness for Christ.

In this podcast episode, you will discover…
  • The questions that the pandemic is raising for secular Australia.
  • How to engage with the questions of hope and purpose that the pandemic is raising.
  • Deeper insights to questions of meaning and peace that people have.
  • How to explain to non-Christians why and how God matters in crisis.
  • The ways in which pain and suffering can be discussed with unbelievers.
  • Why anxiety is now so prevalent and ways to connect with the community.
  • What responses to give to anxious people that will help them explore faith.
  • How to respond to questions of suffering and pain in times of crisis.
  • Practical steps to help non-Christians who are asking the bigger questions.
  • And so much more…
WATCH and short intro video to this episode below.



#2 Everyday Psychology in Evangelism – Social Media & The Effects on Young People

How To Reach Aussies for Jesus Now

Help Others Find Meaning Pre & Post Coronavirus with Richard Kobakian

Sharing Your Faith Through The Hard Times



*Online Evangelism Course for Church Groups and Individuals
To upskill in the area of having faith conversations with people in everyday spaces, check out the online course, On Mission with God @Home – How to Share your Faith Naturally in Conversations.


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