Interior Decorating & Sexual Slavery

Today is a special episode on the podcast. We are talking about interior decorating and sexual slavery. Tina Waldrom speaks with interior decorator Melany Field and also with an undercover agent from Destiny Rescue. Melany is combining her faith in Christ and the creative gifts she has, to raise funds so that kids can be physically removed from brothels. The Australian based, undercover agent, goes into the brothels, rescuing children from sexual slavery. He works for Destiny Rescue.

Human Trafficking is the ‘single most disgusting thing on the planet’ as stated by the agent in this interview. The agent interviewed, is a family man who decided to do something. His story and what is involved, is compelling. Gathering for Freedom, the unique online decorating event raises funds to release children from sexual exploitation.

In this episode, Melany shares her heart to be involved and gives some wonderful decorating tips to the listeners. Destiny’s Rescues undercover agent cannot be named in this interview, but is based in Australia. He shares the raw realities of physically going into brothels and rescuing children.

This Gathering for Freedom Online Decorating event is hosted by Evangelism in Australia, in conjunction with Destiny Rescue and Musical Design Interiors. EIA is proud to be a part of such a life changing event. Bringing good news to children who are trapped in sexual slavery is an honour and privilege to be a part of.

In this podcast episode, you will discover…
  • Why an Australian interior decorator said yes, to being involved in anti-sex trafficking.
  • The link between Interior Decorating & Sexual Slavery
  • How one Aussie mum is using her gifts to raise funds to release kids from exploitation.
  • Interior decorating tips for your home.
  • Why an everyday guy gets involved in rescuing people from being trafficked.
  • The hard reality of physically removing kids from brothels.
  • How to be involved in the Gathering for Freedom Online Decorating event.
  • Ideas to support the work of freeing children from human trafficking.
  • And so much more… 


Gathering for Freedom – Interior Decorating Fundraiser


*Online Evangelism Course for Church Groups and Individuals
To upskill in the area of having faith conversations with people in everyday spaces, check out the online course, On Mission with God @Home – How to Share your Faith Naturally in Conversations.

*Other Podcast Episodes & Blog Posts Linked to this Episode

Gathering for Freedom with Destiny Rescue

Gathering for Freedom – Yes We Did


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