Tina Waldrom discusses Kingdom Communities with Andrew Menzies. Andrew, who co-authored the book, Kingdom Communities is all about shining the light of Christ through faith, hope and love. He has led a number of churches, currently serving as the senior minister at Mitcham Baptist in Victoria. Andrew is very practical yet highly educated. He served for many years as a Bible College principal, at the same time reaching his world for Christ. Kingdom Communities is a fascinating discussion and a way forward for the western church.
Andrew Menzies completed his doctoral work at Fuller Theological Seminary. His is a great thinker and a wonderful practitioner. In this interview, he discusses the importance for the church to be focused on seeing people initiated into the Kingdom of God, not initiated into the church. He is however, a large supporter of the local church but understands the limitations of ‘church’ focused language when trying to live out the great commission. He unpacks the need, and his ideas for Kingdom language and consequently, what this means for outreach in the western church.
In this episode, Andrew shares the stories of many, including himself, who are seeing the Kingdom of God come to people’s lives in very natural ways. Stories where faith, hope and love are breaking into people’s lives through the simple, yet powerful method of ‘presence’. Stories of lives being transformed with the gospel in ways that everyday believers can be involved with.
In this podcast episode, you will discover…
- Why a Kingdom approach to evangelism is needed.
- What Kingdom means in relation to the church.
- Ideas to see the gospel come to a local community.
- What to do practically to see Jesus revealed to others.
- The need for relational communities to heal a broken world.
- Ideas on where the church may have gone wrong in evangelism.
- How the presence of believers in secular places facilitates the gospel.
- The need for the corporate, business focused model of church to change.
- How Andrew’s church, through Food is Free, are seeing the Kingdom of God come in the community.
- And so much more…
READ Kingdom Communities, the book here.
Man Dies on Cricket Field – Watch a Short Video with Andrew Menzies
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