Salt & Light – Black Lives Matter and More.

Tina Waldrom speaks with Doug Clark in the United States regards the challenges the church faces to be salt and light right now.  This offshore interview gives unique insight into the challenges of Black Lives Matter, Coronavirus and the unique place that young people have to play.

Doug Clark has more than 40 years of ministry experience working with leaders across America. He is the National Field Director for  NNYM (National Network of Youth Ministries) and has a wealth of experience facilitating unity and championing collaboration among leaders.

Being on the ground in California affords Doug a perspective on some current cultural issues that add to what is heard and seen on Australian shores. Hearing about the tragic death of George Floyd from a white American perspective is challenging and thought provoking. The need for the church to be salt and light in this hour is crucial.

In this podcast episode, you will discover…
  • How unity causes the church to be salt and light.
  • Why responding to Black Lives Matter is important.
  • How the pandemic is an opportunity for the church to be salt and light.
  • The power of millennials in spiritual awakening.
  • Racism – key resources to read at this time.
  • Reasons why the church is and is NOT engaging with ‘hot topics’.
  • How Spiritual Awakening may look at this time.
Further Resources

Australian Together have some great resources around racism and reconciliation. Please check them out.

A list of further resources can also be found in a recent blog post from Mark Conner.

For those wanting to hear more about young people, listen to our recent podcast with Jesse Murray on How to Mobilise Teenagers for Evangelism.

Check us out at and follow us on socials.


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