Tina Waldrom speaks with Nic Mackay about best practice for outreach in Australia. Nic is the National Director of NAYBA, who are helping churches to love their neighbour. NAYBA has a vison to see the Body of Christ come together in complete unity to serve those in need and help transform our communities, cities and the nation. Nic talks about 3 projects deemed to be highly effective to reach communities. These projects are certified as best practice. Nic outlines the ingredients of a ‘best practice’ project and explains how each can be used to reach our society.
NAYBA work hard to successfully identify projects in Australia that are effective and reproducible to bring the hope of Christ to communities. Their best practice approaches provide local churches with a menu of community projects they can choose from, lead and adapt to the local context. Many churches have already unearthed the needs in their community but are wondering what to do to meet these needs. NAYBA’s menu of community projects is a helpful starting place.
In this episode, Nic talks about 3 projects: Kids Hope, Empowered Faith Communities and Circuit Breaker. Each of these projects have a proven track record and are being used by many churches as an outreach and discipleship tool. Nic gives a strong overview of each of the projects with examples of how these are helping to reach Aussies for Jesus. The stories he shares are compelling and encouraging. God is doing wonderful things in the nation of Australia and these initiatives are well respected in Christian and secular circles.
In this podcast episode, you will discover…
- The role of NAYBA in helping churches reach their neighbourhood.
- Best practice projects in Australia that are helping people reach their local community.
- How a project becomes deemed ‘best practice’ in Australia.
- The measures of success a community initiative needs to make it highly effective.
- Three programs that are available for churches and believers to run in the community.
- How to NOT reinvent the wheel when reaching your local community.
- Why Kids Hope is recognised nationally and how it is helping churches engage with schools.
- The story of Empowered Faith Communities: bridging the gap between social work and faith.
- How preventative model programming can help heal a community?
- Why Circuit Breaker is so helpful in preventing domestic violence in communities.
- And so much more…
Watch a Short Video with Nic and Tina Waldrom
- FREE SAMPLE Online Evangelism Course for Church Groups and Individuals
To upskill in the area of having faith conversations with people in everyday spaces, check out the FREE SAMPLE of our online course, On Mission with God @Home – How to Share your Faith Naturally in Conversations.
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