A Kingdom Approach to Evangelism and Mission

Tina Waldrom speaks with Aaron Terry about A Kingdom Approach to Evangelism and Mission. Aaron, based in Greater Western Sydney has been on a journey to discover the power of churches working together. Aarons experiences at local church level, in church health and now through Compassion have solidified his thoughts around the need for churches to collaborate and join each other for Kingdom purposes in communities.

Aaron speaks extensively about the fact that ‘The’ church not ‘A’ church is needed to see the Kingdom of God come to our neighbourhoods, cities and nation. He talks about a group in Western Australia, Geo Networks who are doing exactly this. City to City are also championing the cause, as is Movement. The days of a church working solo, in the community where God has placed them are over. There must be a willingness for leaders and pastors to work together on mission in the local government area.  Aaron talks about the pandemic and how in fact, this has helped the church come to a greater awareness that A Kingdom Approach to Evangelism and Mission is needed.

In this episode, Aaron talks about the why, the how and the barriers. Why churches need to overcome differences and work together to see the Kingdom come. How this is possible and how it may look. He gives some insightful ideas of churches working together and sharing resources. He goes on to talk about the barriers. The reasons why churches and believers, may find it difficult to take a Kingdom Approach to Evangelism and Mission at this time.

In this podcast episode, you will discover…
  • What it means to be Kingdom minded.
  • How working together with other churches may look.
  • Why coming together with others to pray is not enough.
  • The power of gathering together to discuss community impact.
  • How to overcome when others do not want to work together.
  • Practical ideas for churches to share resources for Kingdom work.
  • How Covid has positioned the church for Kingdom work.
  • The need for community leaders to see churches working together.
  • How the current church is failing to produce disciples.
  • What City to City are doing in this space.
  • The role of Movement in Australia.
  • How Geo Networks are operating in Western Australia.
  • And so much more…
Watch a Short Video with Tina Waldrom and Aaron Terry



*Stay connected to Aaron by emailing him at aaronterry83@gmail.com



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