Tina Waldrom speaks with Shane Varcoe about Engaging with a Cancel Culture. Shane from Disciples Planet, brings clarity to understanding the cancel culture of today. He also gives many practical tips to sharing the Christian faith in this environment. Shane is a critical thinker who has worked with the emerging generations for many years. He has discovered the best practices of engagement. Shane has led in churches, worked with Concern Australia and continues today to be a voice on current Australian issues. He is well placed to give a thorough commentary on cancel culture.
In this episode, Shane draws on much of the information put together in a downloadable file he has created. This tract can be used as a tool to connect and interact with people who have not discovered Christ yet. It is an informative piece that provides some specific questions to help people discover why they believe what they believe.
In this podcast episode, you will discover…
- What cancel culture is and how to approach this as a Christian.
- Why an interrogative approach is not the best alternative?
- How to discredit a worldview without intimidation.
- How to engage with culture without assigning blame or accusation.
- Why quick fix Christianity is not the answer.
- What narratives underpin people’s worldviews and how to discuss these?
- The danger of Christians behaving with the attitude of a cancel culture.
- How to lead people to make an informed decision to follow Christ.
- Practical steps to engage with people and lead them to knew understandings.
- The metanarrative of Jesus and how that can relate to others.
Watch a short video with Shane and Tina regarding this episode.
Online Evangelism Course for Church Groups and Individuals
To upskill in the area of having faith conversations with people in everyday spaces, check out the online course, On Mission with God @Home – How to Share your Faith Naturally in Conversations.
Having An Answer for The Bigger Questions with Rob Martin
Everyday Psychology in Evangelism – Mental health
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