The Church Settled or Sent with Kurt Fredrickson

Tina Waldrom speaks with Doctor Kurt Fredrickson about The Church, Settled or Sent? The Bible paints a picture of a missionary God and His people sent into a world that needs Christ. Why then does the church settle and lose its influence in the world? Why does it live settled and not sent? Kurt Fredrickson is the current Associate Dean for Professional Doctoral Programs at Fuller Theological Seminary in California, USA. Before his role at Fuller, Kurt led his church from being settled to living sent. It was not an easy road. He shares the lessons learnt.

Kurt Fredrickson is in a unique position. Previously a church pastor, he now meets and journeys with hundreds of church leaders who pass through the doctoral programs at Fuller Seminary. He knows the current struggles that leaders face. He understands the complexities of the world the church is called to, and he is passionate about the church being salt and light in local contexts. As a practitioner, he made the hard calls. He made the changes to move his church from a place of comfort to a place of discomfort. And yes, people left the church and the budget suffered. But nevertheless, he and his church lived as a sent people.

In this episode, Kurt lays the biblical foundation for the people of God living as a sent people. He talks about an eternal, missionary God, and the implications for local congregations. He is kind enough to share his own shortcomings and graceful in sharing the wisdom learnt. He talks about the people who left his church. About the financial drop that his church experienced and the cost of calling the church to deeper discipleship. Kurt, in a very frank conversation, gives some great insights on how to move a church to a place of sentness.

 In this podcast episode, you will discover…
  • Why the church should live sent and not settled.
  • A working definition of settled and sent.
  • What churches look like when they are settled.
  • Why a church gets stuck and remains settled.
  • How to move a church to a place of sentness.
  • What the Bible says about settled versus sent.
  • Why Kurt Fredrickson moved his church outward and the cost.
  • How to move a congregation to look and move outward.
  • Why the senior leader needs to model the sent life.
  • The need for church staff to live life outside the church walls.
  • And so much more…



A suggested book by Kurt
That Their Work Will Be a Joy: Understanding and Coping with the Challenges of Pastoral Ministry By Kurt Fredrickson and Cameron Lee

Online Articles to Read by Kurt
Rhythms of Work and Rest for Ministry Leaders
The Church at Table: Being Sisters and Brothers Even When We Disagree

Fuller Theological Seminary
Fuller Doctor of Ministry Program


On Mission with God @Home (free sample)
On Mission with God @Home (Full Course Details)
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