Bringing The Kingdom to Young People with Eric Agyeman

Tina Waldrom speaks with Eric Agyeman about Bringing the Kingdom to Young People. Eric is a youth mentor and speaker who is Bringing the Kingdom of God to 1000’s of young people in schools and communities. He’s an expert at his craft and has many insightful thoughts to help others reach the young people in their world. He is loved by parents, teachers, youth workers and youth everywhere. His wisdom and practical tips are tested and proven, his smile and zest for life is infectious.

Eric Agyeman arrived in Australia as a young man. He was unfortunately, the only African boy in his school. He became the victim of racial bullying and his life headed down a dark path. His father sent him back to African where God miraculously intervened. He received a vision of hope for his future and two decades later, he was awarded the African Australian Community Impact Award. He knows why so many young people despair, why so many have a lack of direction and he knows how to reach them. He shares his tips and wisdom in this interview.

In this episode, Eric talks about the culture that young people are growing up in today and how to bring the Kingdom into that environment. He talks about what young people are facing and how an everyday believer can bring Jesus to the situation. Eric also talks about the role of parents and how they can connect with their young person so that Jesus can shine into their world. He also shares about some of the stories of transformation that young people have experienced going through his Royal Hood mentoring program.

In this podcast episode, you will discover…
  • Eric’s story from gangs to Jesus and the lessons for outreach.
  • How to Bring the Kingdom to Young People.
  • What young people of today face and how to reach them.
  • Examples of how-to bring Kingdom values to youth.
  • How to connect with young people as a parent or friend.
  • The power of God speaking in dreams to shape a person’s life.
  • How a ‘prophetic word’ changed Eric’s life for good.
  • The influence of social media on young people and how to help.
  • Reasons behind young people feeling hopeless & lost.
  • What the Royal Hood mentoring program is all about.
  • The music young people are listening to and the affect it has.
  • And so much more…
*Watch a short video about bringing the Kingdom to young people with Eric Agyeman

Stay Connected to Eric:

Speaking Engagements and more information – HERE
The Royal Hood Mentoring program – HERE



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