Tina Waldrom speaks with Funny Man, Ben Price on Sharing Faith. Ben is a world-renowned comedian, Australia’s most well-known impersonator. Ben is well respected as a clean and clever entertainer. His over 200 voices, include Arnold Schwarzenegger, Owen Wilson, Donald Trump and Jamie Oliver. What most people don’t know is that Ben is a passionate follower of Christ who shares his faith weekly on the streets, and through the entertainment industry. In this episode, Ben talks about his life as a comedian and his passion to share the gospel. And yes, he does some impersonating as he shares his story.
Ben is a strong believer in Christ who has a passion for souls. He featured in Ray Comfort’s Award-winning movie, Audacity in 2015 and was also seen in Way of the Master Season 5 and The Comfort Zone. Ben was also part of a comedy DVD with Ray Comfort, Comfort with a Price and the movie by Ray Comfort Christmas Gone Viral. Various churches and Christian conferences across the world have booked Ben to share his clean comedy, his testimony, hear the gospel and to encourage fellow believers with a message to go out and share the gospel.
In this episode, Ben talks about an encounter with God, that caused him to become a passionate follower of Christ, with an unwavering commitment to share the gospel. He talks about the journey that Jesus has taken him on, to become a person of integrity in the entertainment industry. His commitment to being a Christ follower shines through in all he says and does. There are lessons for everyone in this episode. The call to be salt and light is for everyone, no matter where they find themselves.
In this podcast episode, you will discover…
- Some very funny impersonations by Ben Price.
- Why the good news shines brighter when there is bad news?
- How humour can build rapid rapport with people.
- How to communicate the gospel so people understand the need for Jesus.
- Why a black backdrop helps the good news shine?
- How to share the blatant truth without it being awkward.
- Tips to sharing a confrontational message with gentleness.
- The place of sharing your story in evangelism.
- How sharing in the 3rd person can be helpful in witnessing.
- The power of sharing personal stories in a post Christian world.
- And so much more…
Watch a short video with Ben and Tina regarding this episode.
Connect with Ben’s Street Work
Bought with A Price – Facebook Page
*** Sharing Christ at Christmas – New Online Course – Invitation from Ben Price
*Online Evangelism Course for Church Groups and Individuals
To upskill in the area of having faith conversations with people in everyday spaces, check out the online course, On Mission with God @Home – How to Share your Faith Naturally in Conversations.
Sharing the Christian Faith in the Entertainment Industry with Judd Field
Streets Ahead in Launceston, Tasmania
Challenged by God to Take the Light Outside the Church
Bring Peace to the Streets with Jay Shelling
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